CMake kursen uppdaterad
4 minuter i lästid
CMake är ett av de mest populära byggnations-verktyget för C/C++ applikationer. Det är enkelt att hantera komplexa byggnationer med många bibliotek.
Bibliotek som länkas till en applikation kan vara i många former, såsom archive (.a
), shared-object (.so
) och header-only. Förutom att vara en del av aktuellt projekt, så kan bibliotek länkas från redan installerade eller laddas ned automatiskt från en git repo eller webb-server.
Den här kursen lär dig allt du behöver veta för att snabbt komma igång med att skriva egna CMake script för byggnation av C++ och C applikationer. Kursen är nu uppdaterad för CMake version 3.28 och innehåller ett nyskrivet kapitel om presets.
Här kan du se innehållsförteckningen
- Why CMake was created
- Properties of CMake
- Compilers
- Build tools
- Build tool generators
Application Build
Compilation & Linkage
- Using GCC
- Pre-processor
- Front-End compilation
- AST and RTL
- Back-end compilation
- Assembler
- Linker
- Loader
- Useful compiler flags
- Linking libraries
- Creating static libraries
- Creating shared libraries
- Executing with shared libraries
- What is an archive
- Creating a static archive file (
) - Naming conventions of archive files
- Creating a dynamically linked archive file (
Brief about Makefiles
- What is make
- Structure of a Makefile
- Targets
- Actions
- Dependencies
- Rules
- Ninja instead of Make
CMake Fundamentals
Installation of CMake
- Installation via a package manager
- Installation on Windows
- Installation via TAR.GZ archive
- Compiling from sources
- CMake executables
- CMake command-line help
- CMake documentation
CMake Syntax
- Structure of CMakeLists.txt
- CMake stages
- Comments
- Command syntax
- Text strings
- Quoted vs. unquotes strings
- Value lists
- Variables
- Conditional blocks
- Looping blocks
- CMake scopes
- Subdirectories and includes
- CMake GUI
Control Structures
- Conditional blocks
- Operators
- Loops
- Generator expressions
- Functions
Building Executables
- Creating a CMake project
- Build steps and commands
- Programming language
- Language standard
- Compiler options
- Linking standard libraries
Build Variants
- Debug vs. Release build
- C++ vs. C sources
- GCC vs. CLang compiler
- Make vs. Ninja builder
- Linux vs. Windows build
Building Libraries
- Building a static library
- Where to find the *.a file
- Propagating header files to an executable
Building Header-Only Libraries
- Defining a header-only library
Building Dynamic Libraries
- Building a shared library
- Where to find the *.so file
Other Library Types
- Defining an object library
- Using an imported library
Linking External Libraries
- What is an external library
- Finding libraries
- Configuration variables
Linking Remote Libraries
- What is a remote library
- Downloading and linking a remote library
- Understanding FetchContent
- Fetching a GIT library
- Fetching a TAR.GZ file
Tests & Docs
Configuring and Running Tests
- How cmake perceives a test
- Using CTest
- Configuring a simple test
- Configuring a test based on a header-only testing framework (Catch2)
- Configuring a test based on a linked testing framework (Google Test)
- Fetching and using a remote test framework
Generating API documentation using doxygen
- What is
- Invoking doxygen from CMake
- Configure tool properties
- How to generate fancy docs with custom CSS, tree-view and images
Writing CMake Scripts
Running External Programs
- Custom targets
- Running the generated executable
- Running arbitrary scripts and programs
- Generating API documentation using doxygen
Working with Files
- Finding things in the file system
- Extracting path components
- The versatile
command - Copy a set of files to a directory
- Writing files
- Reading files
- HTTP(S) operations, i.e., GET and PUT
Generating Sources
- Copying files
- Variable substitution
- Managing application version
- Assembling build info
Recursive CMake
- How to structure a large C/C++ project
- Top-level CMakeLists.txt
- Dependencies
- Subsystems
- Tests
- What is cross-compilation
- Toolchain identifier
- What is
- What is a multi-lib
- Using CMake for cross-compilation
- Toolchain file
- How to build applications for several toolchains (i.e., platforms)
- What are CMake presets
- Understanding the preset JSON format
- Top-level JSON properties
- Common structure of all presets objects
- Configure
- Configure
- Preset macros
- Preset inheritance
- Preset conditions
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