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C++ Threads

Buggar i fler-trådade program anses ofta vara det besvärligaste man kan råka ut för som programmerare. Faktum är att det generella rådet är att inte stoppa in dem från början. Om man tycker det rådet är aningen orealistiskt, så är det näst bästa att programmera enligt ett antal väl beprövade programmerings-idiom som undviker problemen. I denna kurs, fokuserar vi på just den strategin.

4 dagar Advanced C++
C++ Threads

Buggar i fler-trådade program anses ofta vara det besvärligaste man kan råka ut för som programmerare. Faktum är att det generella rådet är att inte stoppa in dem från början. Om man tycker det rådet är aningen orealistiskt, så är det näst bästa att programmera enligt ett antal väl beprövade programmerings-idiom som undviker problemen. I denna kurs, fokuserar vi på just den strategin.

Detta får du lära dig på kursen

Här är ett sammandrag i punktform av vad du får lära dig på kursen. Eftersom kursmaterialet är författat på engelska, så återger vi sammandraget också på engelska.

  • Program with threads in C++20 and previous versions
  • Understand and deal with problem areas such as critical sections, race conditions and deadlocks
  • Use mutex and conditions in both POSIX and C++
  • Implement message passing
  • Implement thread pools
  • Understand memory management to implement private heaps for threads
  • Understand and use promises/futures in C++11
  • Program with POSIX Threads directly in C


Här finner du alla detaljer om kursen.

  • Kursnamn

    C++ Threads
    C++ Threads (eng.)
  • Varaktighet

    4 dagar
  • Nivå

  • Målgrupp

    C++ programmerare
  • Förkunskapskrav

    Stor vana att programmera i C++
  • Program & Verktyg

    • GNU C++ Compiler, version 12 or later
    • JetBrains CLion (_30 days trial_)
    • Ubuntu Linux
  • Publicerad

    17 mars 2023


What is a Thread?

  • Concurrent vs. parallel
  • Scheduling
  • Thread types
  • Synchronization
  • Virtual adress space organization
  • Overview of how a function-call is performed and why it’s relevant to threads
  • Where do all the thread lives?

Creating Threads

  • How to create a C++20 thread
  • Sample hello thread
  • Explicit join
  • Obtaining the current thread
  • Sleeping
  • How to provide the thread body
  • Lambda, function, functor, method pointer
  • std::thread vs. std::jthread
  • AutoJoiner helper class for std::thread
  • Passing arguments to a thread
  • The problem of mixed output and how to fix it
  • Moving threads
  • Swapping threads
  • Thread base class
  • Obtain the number of processing units
  • Thread local storage

Cooperative Interruption

  • How to stop a thread
  • Implicit requesting stop
  • Explicit requesting stop
  • Register a stop call-back
  • Using a stop source/token

Concurrency Problems

The Critical Section Problem

  • Understanding the problem and its solution
  • The ATM problem
  • Account class
  • ATM class
  • Bank program
  • Failed execution
  • Critical (code) section
  • What is wrong?
  • Three conditions for the critical-section problem
  • How to prevent the critical-section problem
  • Using a mutex lock
  • C++ mutex type
  • Thread-safe account class
  • Using a lock guard
  • How to prevent self-deadlock
  • Using a recursive lock
  • The problem of partial mutable operations
  • How to make getBalance const, but retain mutex::lock
  • Using lock with time-out

The Race-Condition Problem

  • Understanding the problem and its solution
  • The SWIFT problem
  • Moneybox class
  • SWIFT class
  • Sender thread
  • Receiver thread
  • Failed execution
  • What is wrong?
  • Condition synchronization
  • C++ condition variables
  • Thread-safe moneybox

Monitors & Capsules

  • The concept monitor
  • Monitor semantics
  • Flexible monitor design
  • Simple monitor implementation
  • The concept capsule
  • Simple capsule implementation

The Deadlock Problem

  • The concept resource
  • The Kitchen problem
  • Resource class
  • Cook thread
  • Failed execution
  • The Dining Philosophers problem
  • Ed Coffmans conditions for deadlock
  • How to handle deadlocks
  • Fixing the Kitchen problem
  • The Account Transfer problem
  • C++ scoped locks
  • Implementation of the Account Transfer problem

More Synchronization

Read-Write Locks

  • What is a read-write lock?
  • Using a std::shared_mutex
  • Sample demo program

Latches & Barriers

  • What is latch?
  • Latch operations
  • Usage of a latch
  • What is barrier?
  • Barrier operations
  • Usage of a barrier


  • What is a semaphore?
  • Counting semaphore
  • C++ semaphores
  • C++ binary semaphore
  • Using a semaphore as a mutex
  • Implementing a queue with semaphores
  • Problems with semaphores
  • Semaphore can be more versatile than locks
  • POSIX has two types of semaphores

Promises & Futures

  • What are promises and futures?
  • C++ promises and futures
  • Sample usage
  • Dealing with exceptions
  • Asynchronous tasks
  • Usage os std::async
  • Execution policies
  • Using s shared future
  • Example; scanning the file system using async tasks

Message Queues

Implementation of a Thread-Safe Queue

  • Logical design of a queue
  • Handling queue capacity
  • Implementation advice for an unbounded queue
  • Class MessageQueueUnbounded
  • Sample execution
  • Implementation advice for an bounded queue
  • Class MessageQueueBounded
  • Sample execution using a bounded queue
  • Dropping messages when queue full

Unidirectional Message Passing

  • What is message-passing
  • Handling pointer based messages
  • Implementing interface Receivable
  • Implementing a threads pipeline

Bidirectional Message Passing

  • What is bidirectional message-passing?
  • What is rendezvous?
  • Communication patterns
  • Implementation of rendezvous
  • Rendezvous message class
  • RPC server
  • Sample client
  • Execution
  • Some optimizations
  • Inspecting thread stack frames

Thread Pools

  • What is a thread pool?
  • The simplest thread pool implementation
  • Tasks that return a result
  • Task type
  • The submit function
  • The worker loop
  • Pool creation and shutdown
  • Sample test program

Misc. Library Parts

Parallel STL Algorithms

  • What is a parallel STL algorithm
  • Parallelized algorithms
  • Execution policies
  • Sequenced policy
  • Parallel policy
  • Parallel unsequenced policy
  • Unsequenced policy
  • Choosing a policy
  • Changes to iterator requirements
  • Changes in exception behaviour
  • Replaced algorithms
  • Do we get any speed-ups? For which work loads?
  • The benchmark program

Atomic Variables

  • What is an atomic type/variable?
  • Using std::atomic<T>
  • Operations
  • The ATM problem using an atomic int

Under the Hood

POSIX Threads

  • Rudimentary C API
  • Creating a thread with pthread_create
  • Passing arguments
  • Thread configuration
  • Setting the stack size
  • PThread mutex
  • The ATM problem as a C program, with pthreads
  • PThread Condition
  • PThread Read-Write locks
  • PThread Barriers

Implementation of C++ Threads

  • Wrapping pthreads
  • Simple thread class
  • Usage of the class
  • Passing arguments
  • Class ThreadArgs
  • Usage of the modified class
  • Class Mutex
  • Usage of the mutex class
  • Class Condition
  • Usage of the condition class

Memory Management

User-Defined Memory Allocation

  • Limitations of using system heap for messages
  • Allocation functions of the system heap
  • How the system heap is implemented
  • Why the heap is a large critical section
  • Heap arenas in GNU glibc; multiple locks
  • What is a private heap?
  • Choosing storage for messages
  • Possible implementation of a consumer's private heap
  • Allocation strategies
  • Allocation-only storage
  • Monotonic allocation
  • Circular allocation
  • Block-pool storage

Understanding std::pmr

  • What is a polymorphic memory resource?
  • Class & function overview
  • Provided memory resources
  • Special-form allocators
  • Usage of a monotonic_buffer_resource
  • STL container support for std::pmr
  • Usage of unsynchronized_pool_resource

Thread Private Heaps

  • Basic principle for a private heap
  • Sample implementation of a std::pmr based private heap
  • How to organize heap storage for messages
  • Sample implementation of a std::pmr based message heap

Shared Memory

POSIX Processes

  • What is a process?
  • Understanding the system call fork
  • Using exit and wait
  • Understanding the system call exec
  • Loading new program code

POSIX Shared Memory

  • What is shared memory, really?
  • How is it working
  • Shared memory C API
  • Using mmap to create memory segments
  • Class SharedMemory
  • Usage of the class
  • Understanding the placement variant of operator new
  • How to configure POSIX mutex and condition to work in shared memory
  • Sample program; Producer-Consumer via shared memory

Processes with Threads & Shared Memory

  • How to combine everything we discussed in this course
  • Overview of the demo application
  • The app part
  • The Loader thread
  • The Transformer thread
  • The Consumer thread
  • The Shared-Memory class
  • The user-defined shared-memory enabled Mutex and Condition classes
  • The Message-Queue class
  • The Message class
  • The FileSlurper class

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Pris: 22 000 kr + moms

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Pris: 18 000 kr + moms



4 dagar

Kursen vänder sig till c++ programmerare och utgår från att deltagarna har stor vana att programmera i c++.

Företagsanpassad kurs, vi kommer till er

Företagsanpassad kurs

Om ni är tre eller fler personer från samma företag eller organisation, kan ni beställa en företagsanpassad kurs. Då håller vi kursen på ett datum som passar er. Antingen på plats i era lokaler eller som en fjärrkurs. Vi kan också hålla den muntliga framställningen på engelska.

Kontakta oss för en offert

Företagsanpassad Kurs

Jens Riboe

Jens Riboe

Senior/Expert Software Developer

5.0 Instructor/Author Rating

Courses Authored
Students Lectured
Years Experience

Jag har programmerat sedan början på 1980-talet i en stor mängd olika programspråk och på olika plattformar. Har jobbat på både stora och små företag, både etablerade och startups, samt både inom och utom Sverige. Att skriva (elegant) programkod är det bästa jag vet. Denna erfarenhet och passion är den centrala komponenten i våra kurser. Något som gör oss unika på marknaden och att våra kunder återkommer år efter år för nya och fördjupade kunskaper.

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