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Jenkins konfiguration

Lär dig allt om att installera, konfigurera och hantera Jenkins CI/CD server.

3 dagar Beginner Jenkins Dev-Ops
Jenkins konfiguration

Denna omfattande kurs erbjuder en djupgående inblick i Jenkins CI-server, ett kraftfullt verktyg för bygg- och leveransautomatisering. Vi börjar med grunderna och avancerar sedan till mer komplexa begrepp, täcker allt från installation, konfiguration, till att skapa och hantera jobb.

En central del av vår undervisning fokuserar på integrationen av Jenkins med GIT och användningen av olika plugins för att optimera ditt arbetsflöde. I kursens många praktiska övningar får du installera och konfigurera Jenkins server i Amazon-molnet AWS och koppla ihop med GitHub.

Kursen är utformad för att passa både programmerare och dev-ops personal, och syftar till att hjälpa dig att implementera effektiva system för kontinuerlig integration och leverans. Följ med oss och lär dig hur du kan utnyttja kraften i Jenkins CI-servern i ditt eget arbete.

Glöm inte att kika på (den kommande) fortsättningskursen. Du får då lära dig allt om Jenkins pipeline jobs, olika kategorier av pipeline jobs, hur du enhetstestar pipeline kod. Vi börjar den kursen med att gå igenom språket Groovy, som du behöver för att skriva pipeline kod.

Detta får du lära dig på kursen

Här är ett sammandrag i punktform av vad du får lära dig på kursen. Eftersom kursmaterialet är författat på engelska, så återger vi sammandraget också på engelska.

  • Deep understanding of Jenkins CI server and its core functionality.
  • Step-by-step guidance on installing Jenkins on various operating systems, including Linux and macOS.
  • Techniques for configuring Jenkins for optimal performance, including plugin selection and user management.
  • Setting up and managing jobs in Jenkins, and understanding different job types.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of version control systems (VCS), focusing on Git integration with Jenkins.
  • Usage of private Git repositories within Jenkins and handling credentials securely.
  • Setting up and configuring various notifications and remote build agents for enhanced collaboration.
  • Detailed understanding of different job types including building an application, deployment jobs, and multi-configuration jobs.
  • Management skills for Jenkins with topics covering Jenkins CLI usage, backup & restore procedures, and configuration of authentication & authorization.
  • Lessons about securing Jenkins server access through forwarding proxies and HTTPS.
  • Overview of the Amazon AWS cloud platform as the course is designed with practical exercises performed in AWS.
  • Necessary AWS concepts for Jenkins management and deployment such as EC2, IAM, S3 among others.
  • Monitoring Jenkins performance using tools like Prometheus and Grafana for proactive issue resolution.
  • Best practices for Jenkins administration and troubleshooting.
  • Encourages participants to think creatively about how they can tailor Jenkins to meet their own or their organization's specific needs.


Här finner du alla detaljer om kursen.

  • Kursnamn

    Jenkins konfiguration
    Jenkins CI/CD Server - Configuration & Usage (eng.)
  • Varaktighet

    3 dagar
  • Nivå

  • Målgrupp

    Programutvecklare och dev-ops personal
  • Förkunskapskrav

    Erfarenhet av driftsättning av applikationer
  • Program & Verktyg

    • Jenkins
    • Text editor
    • SSH Client
    • GitHub account
    • AWS account
  • Publicerad

    5 augusti 2024

Jenkins Overview

  • Kohsuke Kawaguchi - The inventor
  • How Hudson became Jenkins
  • What is Jenkins CI server?
  • What is continuous integration?
  • What is continuous deployment?
  • Typical developer workflow
  • Architecture
  • Terminology
  • Job structure

Case Studies

Some case studies, from the trenches.

Brief About AWS

We will deploy and manage Jenkins in the Amazon AWS cloud, so this section will discuss just the absolute essentials of AWS in order to carry out the practical exercises of the course.

Introduction to AWS

  • What is cloud computing?
  • What is SaaS?
  • What is XaaS?
  • Regions and zones
  • Pricing model
  • Virtual servers by EC2
  • Firewall configuration by security groups
  • SSH key pairs
  • Authentication and authorization by IAM
  • Static IP address allocation by EIP
  • DNS using Route53
  • Emails by SES
  • AWS dev tools

How to launch an EC2 server

  • More about EC2
  • Steps to launch a server
  • Choose region and zone
  • Create SSH key-pair
  • Create a security group (firewall rules)
  • Choose an AMI
  • Choose a machine instance type
  • Configure instance details
  • Configure a virtual hard-drive
  • Attach the security group
  • Attach the key-pair
  • Connect to the server via the AWS browser console
  • Connect to the server via SSH from the command-line
  • Which username to login as (depends on OS)
  • How to prevent losing the SSH connection
  • How to get rid of the fingerprint SSH prompt
  • Attaching a static IP
  • Topics of AWS to be aware of, but not covered here

Jenkins Fundamentals

How to install, configure and create jobs.


  • Different installation forms
  • Recommended hard-ware
  • Steps to install on a Linux system (EC2)
  • Preparation - installation of JDK
  • Configure APT and install Jenkins
  • How to recover, if something goes wrong
  • How to control the jenkins server
  • Using systemctl
  • Installation on macOS
  • Installation using Docker


  • Browse to the jenkins server
  • How to unlock the server, to start the configuration
  • Choose plugins
  • Create an admin user
  • Check its URL
  • Overview of the configuration screens
  • Light vs. dark mode
  • Users
  • View its home directory
  • Some post-installation tasks
  • How to change the TCP port, if needed
  • How to reset/recover from lost admin password


  • What is a Jenkins plugin?
  • Categories
  • How to search for a plugin
  • Check it activity and latest release date
  • How to install a plugin
  • Jenkins restart
  • How to install a custom plugin

Simple Jobs

  • Job list view
  • Job types
  • Single job view
  • Job structure
  • Build triggers
  • Getting help
  • Environment
  • Steps and actions
  • Post-build actions
  • Output
  • Workspace
  • History
  • Job folders

GIT and Other VCS

In this section we discuss various topics related to fetching project files from a VCS or GIT repo.

VCS Support in Jenkins

  • What is a VCS (Version Control System)?
  • VCS support in Jenkins
  • List of available VCS plugins
  • Understand the difference between the Git plugin and the GitHub (or GitLab) plugin

Fetching Files from GIT

  • Git job configuration
  • Branches
  • Different triggers
  • Setting up GitHub connections
  • Manual builds
  • Periodic builds
  • Push triggered builds


  • What are credentials?
  • How to use credentials in Jenkins
  • Using the Credentials Manager
  • Scopes
  • Domain groups
  • Types
  • Secret text credentials
  • GitHub access tokens

Cloning a private GIT repo via HTTPS

  • How to access a private repo
  • HTTPS vs. SSH
  • GitHub clone using HTTPS
  • Create an access token
  • Create an HTTPS access credential
  • Configure a build job with HTTPS clone

Cloning a private GIT repo via SSH

  • GitHub clone using SSH
  • Generate an SSH key-pair
  • Register the public key with GitHub
  • Create an SSH private key credential
  • Configure a build job with SSH clone


In this section we discuss how to set up various notifications.

Notifications Overview

  • What is a job notification?
  • When can you perform a notify action?
  • Notification types

Email Notifications

  • What is email notification?
  • Email notification plugins
  • SMTP configuration
  • Problems of email configuration
  • SendGrid SMTP relay configuration
  • Configure Jenkins to send emails
  • Post build notification

CatLight Notifications

  • What is CatLight?
  • Installing CatLight
  • Configure CatLight notification in Jenkins

Slack Notifications

  • What is Slack notification?
  • Slack notification steps
  • Create a Slack app
  • Configure bot token scopes
  • Add Jenkins to a Slack channel
  • Create a secret text credential for Slack
  • Configure system Slack settings
  • Using Slack notification in a build job

Remote Agents

In this section we discuss why and how you set up remote build agents. As a rule of thumb; never run build jobs on the main Jenkins controller, always use build agents running on different server machines.

Build Agents Overview

  • What are build agents?
  • Why (always) use build agents?
  • Static build agents
  • Dynamic build agents
  • Docker build agents

SSH Build Agents

  • Using the SSH Build Agent plugin
  • Configure a SSH private key credential
  • Launch a EC2 Linux instance
  • Sign in and install Java JDK
  • Configure agents on the main Jenkins server
  • Agent labels
  • Agent host key verification strategy
  • Launch build jobs on an agent
  • Launch build jobs based on labels
  • Configuring a Ubuntu Linux agent (debian)
  • Configuring an Alma Linux agent (redhat/centos)
  • Launching a Linux build job

Windows Build Agents

  • How a windows agent differ from a linux agent
  • Launch a Windows EC2 instance
  • How to log in to the Windows server (N.B., has no SSH)
  • Using RDP
  • Decrypting the Windows Administrator password
  • Install Java JDK
  • Configure the Jenkins controller to use the Windows agent
  • Prepare the agent machine for Jenkins
  • Download the agent.jar file
  • Launch the agent directly
  • Make the agent a Windows service
  • Ensure the service runs as a non-privileged user
  • Launching a Windows build job

Dynamic Build Agents

  • How to utilize EC2 and create a dynamic number of agents
  • Create an IAM account
  • Create a key-pair
  • Create a launch template
  • Create an auto-scaling group
  • Create a Jenkins credential with AWS access & secret keys
  • Install the EC2-fleet Jenkins plugin
  • Configure the EC2 agent fleet
  • Launching a single job on the agent fleet
  • Launching multiple jobs on the agent fleet

Docker Build Agents

  • Setting up a Docker host, i.e., launch EC2 Linux machine and install Docker daemon
  • What are the benefits of using Docker agents?
  • Different ways of utilizing Docker in build jobs
  • Prepare the Docker host for Jenkins
  • Configure the Jenkins controller to use the Docker agent
  • Launching a Docker build job

Job Types

In this section we discuss various job types, such as building an application vs. deploying an application, and more.

Parameterized Jobs

  • What is a parameterized job?
  • How is it defined?
  • How is it working?
  • Parameter types

Multi-Configuration Jobs

  • What is a multi-configuration job?
  • What is the purpose of such a job?
  • How to create and configure a multi-configuration job
  • Various multi-config axis and how to configure them

Application Build Jobs

  • Commonly used build tools
  • How to find and install build-tool plugins
  • Tool configuration
  • Let Jenkins download and install specific versions
  • Sample Java Maven job
  • Sample JavaScript Node.js NPM job
  • Sample C++ CMake job

Artifact Storage Jobs

  • What is an artifact
  • Language specific artifact types
  • What is an artifact storage server
  • Installing and running Nexus as a Docker container
  • Wait for a few minutes before browsing
  • Obtain the temporary password
  • Logging in and perform rudimentary configuration
  • Install the Nexus Artifact Uploader Jenkins plugin
  • Configure the plugin
  • Create a Maven freestyle job that uploads a JAR to Nexus

Deployment Jobs

  • What do we mean by deployment?
  • Accessing a service running on a remote server
  • How to deploy a Java WAR to a Tomcat application server
  • How to deploy a Node.js Express.js application to a server
  • How to deploy a Vue.js PWA to a nginx server

PipeLine Jobs

This chapter just briefly touches on pipeline code, because we have a full course devoted to writing Jenkins pipeline code.

  • What is a pipeline job?
  • What is Groovy?
  • Inline pipeline code
  • Remote Jenkinsfile code

Administration Tasks

In this final section, we discuss various topics a Jenkins admin need to understand and perform.

Jenkins CLI

  • What is the Jenkins CLI?
  • What is its purpose?
  • Installation and configuration of the CLI
  • Typical CLI tasks

Backup & Restore

  • What do we mean with make a backup of a Jenkins server?
  • What do we mean with performing a restore
  • The importance to backing up to remote storage
  • Various backup & restore alternatives
  • Using the ThinBackup plugin
  • Performing a backup, using thin-backup
  • Performing a restore, using thin-backup

Authentication & Authorization

  • What is authentication?
  • What is Authorization?
  • Various alternatives for Jenkins
  • Matrix authorization
  • GitHub Organization users

Secure Access

  • How can we secure the access to our Jenkins server?
  • What is a forwarding proxy and why might it be useful?
  • Installing nginx
  • Configure nginx to be a forwarding proxy to a Jenkins server
  • Brief about HTTPS
  • How to configure HTTPS on nginx
  • How to use an AWS load balancer with HTTPS access

Supervision of the Jenkins Server

  • Why do we need to monitor Jenkins?
  • What is Prometheus?
  • What is Grafana?
  • Installation of the tools
  • Configuration of Jenkins to send metrics to Prometheus
  • Viewing metric data via Grafana

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Jenkins Usage

3 dagar

Kursen vänder sig till programutvecklare och dev-ops personal och utgår från att deltagarna har erfarenhet av driftsättning av applikationer.

Företagsanpassad kurs, vi kommer till er

Företagsanpassad kurs

Om ni är tre eller fler personer från samma företag eller organisation, kan ni beställa en företagsanpassad kurs. Då håller vi kursen på ett datum som passar er. Antingen på plats i era lokaler eller som en fjärrkurs. Vi kan också hålla den muntliga framställningen på engelska.

Kontakta oss för en offert

Företagsanpassad Kurs

Jens Riboe

Jens Riboe

Senior/Expert Software Developer

5.0 Instructor/Author Rating

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Students Lectured
Years Experience

Jag har programmerat sedan början på 1980-talet i en stor mängd olika programspråk och på olika plattformar. Har jobbat på både stora och små företag, både etablerade och startups, samt både inom och utom Sverige. Att skriva (elegant) programkod är det bästa jag vet. Denna erfarenhet och passion är den centrala komponenten i våra kurser. Något som gör oss unika på marknaden och att våra kunder återkommer år efter år för nya och fördjupade kunskaper.

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